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About Us

Marriage Counselor

Patty is a graduate from Southeastern University and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Ministerial Leadership. She is also a graduate from Liberty Theological Seminary where she received a Master of Divinity in chaplaincy, a Master of Arts in Religion in the area of pastoral counseling, and a Master of Arts in Human Services counseling marriage and family from Liberty University.

She has worked in pastoral care and counseling in combination for the past seventeen years as a clinician in hospice and hospital care, corporate chaplaincy, group practice, and private practice. ​

Patty completed her pastoral competencies in Clinical Pastoral Education at The Ingalls Center of Pastoral Ministries in Birmingham, Alabama in the Baptist Healthcare System, and is endorsed and board certified by the College of Pastoral Supervision and Psychotherapy as a Clinical Chaplain and Pastoral Counselor. She is a member in good standing with the American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC) and a professional Life Coach.

Her private practice is located in downtown Bremen, Georgia where Patty has been able to help couples with individual, marriage and relationship counseling. (For more info concerning private counseling/life coaching, please visit

Tim is the administrator of the counseling practice and is now taking a role in team coaching couples alongside Patty.

Tim studied at Evangel University and is certified in business logistics and has worked in procurement /operations / manufacturing for 28 years. He has a wealth of experience in business and received some of his training and education in Europe where he is originally from. He is currently working for an international company in the West Georgia area. In addition, Tim has been on staff with several churches and ministries throughout the years and currently continues to fill a role in ministerial leadership. He has been serving as a worship leader and continues to be involved in music ministry.

Bilclical Foundational Teaching

Tim and Patty Sleebos served as full-time missionaries to Holland where Tim was a staff member of a ministry training school and traveled leading outreach endeavors. As an artist, Tim continues to write music and is ambitious to produce several creative projects including those of therapeutic nature. Patty has a desire to write and is working on several books later to be revealed.


Their diverse professional backgrounds, experience in the area of marriage counseling and coaching and drawing from their own 40 years of marriage, Tim and Patty are well equipped to help couples in the dynamic journey of marriage.

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Kim Maxwell is the executive assistant of the "I'll Always Kiss You Goodnight" events.

She manages the event facility setup and is the vendor coordinator. Kim will be welcoming you on the day of the event at check-in.

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